divendres, 4 d’octubre del 2013


Do you believe in the zombie apocalypse? Is it possible that one day, corpses will become reanimated and rise from their graves? Probably not, but it can be fun to imagine how you might react in a worst case scenario. What would you do if you were surrounded by zombies?

Zombies are famous for slowly lumbering down dark streets. Yet they still manage to catch people, which is what scares the pants off of movie lovers. Somehow slow-moving zombies trap people in their homes, afraid and unable to leave. Surely people can run faster than zombies, right? Not in zombie movies. That’s what makes them so entertaining!

Find out if Lily and Greta are ready for zombies in this English lesson about a popular movie monster.


  • Greta: Lily, how do you think you would do in the zombie apocalypse

  • Lily: I don’t know. I think about it a lot, and really, it just makes me nervous because I don’t know how self-sufficientI would be in that situation. How about you?

  • Greta: I have thought about it in terms of which of my friends’ houses is the safest, and where to get the canned food, but there are certain things that I would really be struggling with. When corpses reanimated, dead people are coming at you… I don’t have a gun and I don’t know how to aim for the head, and all of those things that you see in the zombie movies. Where you have to get them in the head? I could not do that.

  • Lily: Zombies walk pretty slowly, don’t they? So you could just run away, right?

  • Greta: If you’re talking about the zombies that rise from the grave, they move slowly and they’re sort of lumbering with their arms out. But the zombies who have a virus that is transmitted through bite, they tend to run really fast.

  • Lily: There are just too many options. It all just scares the pants off of me. I can’t deal with it!

Greta has been thinking a lot about what she would do in a zombie apocalypse. Maybe too much. She thinks about where she would hide, what she would eat and how she would kill zombies that are attacking her. She’s definitely prepared.

It’s clear that Lily hasn’t thought about it very much, and maybe would rather not. There are too many things to consider and worry about for Lily. She’s hoping that if zombies ever came to life, they would move so slowly that she could run from them. She prefers to believe that than to think about shooting monsters in the head.

Do you like to imagine a world with zombies? How would you stay alive? Is thinking about zombies fun and silly, or is it unhealthy to think that way?

Grammar Point
Second Conditional Progressive

Greta tells Lily that if the zombie apocalypse occured, shewould be struggling with a lot of things. She uses second conditional progressive tense.

Second conditional progressive is used to describe hypothetical (possible) situations in the present or future. You form second conditional progressive by using the present conditional of the verb to be (would be) + the present participle of the main verb + -ing. For example, “If I spoke Italian, I would be working in Italy.” Or, “If I wasn’t so hungry, I wouldn’t be eating this cake!”

In Greta’s example, she is guessing what might happen if there was a zombie apocalypse. She can’t know for sure because it hasn’t happened yet, but if it were to happen, she believes that things would be difficult for her.

Which is correct, “If we owned a car, we would be driving to Florida,” or, “If we own a car, we would be driving to Florida”?


  1. What is Greta most worried about if there’s a zombie apocalypse?
  2. How does Lily feel about zombies?
  3. Which word does not belong?
  4. Which is the correct ending? If I was famous, __.

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